TIF (transoral incisionless fundoplication) offers an alternative to surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). At the Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery in Lone Tree, Colorado, a part of SOFI Research, LLC, Philip Woodworth, MD, specialize in using advanced procedures like EsophyX® Z+ TIF to treat GERD. Call the Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery today or book an appointment online to find out how TIF can relieve painful GERD symptoms.
TIF (transoral incisionless fundoplication) is a cutting-edge treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD develops when you repeatedly have attacks of acid reflux, where stomach acid travels up your esophagus.
Acid reflux causes painful heartburn because the tissues can’t withstand strong stomach acid. If medications that reduce acid production don’t relieve your symptoms, TIF could be a good choice. The procedure treats GERD transorally (through your mouth). TIF is a less invasive treatment than fundoplication, which requires laparoscopic surgery.
The Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery team doesn’t need to make any incisions in your abdomen. Recovery is, therefore, faster with TIF than laparoscopic fundoplication.
The Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery team uses the EsophyX Z+ TIF device. EsophyX folds the upper portion of your stomach around the bottom of your esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter or LES). Your surgeon secures the EsophyX with special fasteners.
EsophyX TIF reinforces the LES — the valve that opens as you swallow to let food into your stomach. When you have GERD, the LES doesn’t close properly after food passes through. This is what allows stomach acid to flow into your esophagus.
EsophyX TIF enables the LES to close more effectively. Acid can’t go into your esophagus, relieving your GERD symptoms.
TIF offers significant advantages over open surgery, which requires a large abdominal incision. TIF also has benefits compared with laparoscopic surgery, which uses much smaller incisions. Some advantages of EsophyX TIF include:
Problems like bloating, gas, and difficulty swallowing can happen with surgery. EsophyX TIF is far less likely to cause these problems. Patients can also exercise and sleep without acid reflux symptoms following EsophyX TIF.
TIF often works better than medication alone in allowing you to eat reflux-causing foods (usually spicy or acidic ones). TIF can also treat laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), where stomach acid rises higher up your esophagus into the larynx.
If TIF doesn’t work for you, it’s pretty easy to do laparoscopic fundoplication in the future.
You’ll need a general anesthetic for your EsophyX TIF procedure, which lasts 1-2 hours. Your surgeon inserts a flexible endoscope through your mouth into your stomach. The endoscope enables your surgeon to see the site where they fit the EsophyX Z+ device.
The EsophyX folds your stomach wall against your esophagus. H-shaped fasteners in between your esophagus and the stomach wall function like stitches to hold the valve mechanism in place.
Patients usually stay overnight after TIF surgery and go home the following day.
Call the Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery today or book an appointment online to learn more about TIF and how it relieves GERD.