

Surgery Videos

Learn more about our GERD treatments, and hear from real Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery patients.

Our video gallery contains educational material on our procedures, as well as actual videos of tests we perform.  You can also watch testimonials from patients who had surgery at Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery.

April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness month. Please take a moment to watch this heartfelt message from Dr. Woodworth on how to detect the signs and symptoms of esophageal cancer.

GERD & LINX Reflux Management System

LINX Reflux Management System Procedure

Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF) using EsophyX

Acid Reflux Treatment at Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery

High Resolution Impedance Manometry (HRIM)

Bravo Capsule Esophageal pH Test - White Receiver

Bravo Capsule Esophageal pH Test - Bravo Test Black Receiver