Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have long been the go-to treatment for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, recent studies have shown that though PPIs can provide relief from the issues produced by GERD, long-time PPI use can lead to the development of other severe medical issues.
A review of 37 studies involving PPI use was performed in order to investigate a potential link between PPI use and morbidity due to cardiovascular disease. Five of the thirty-seven studies used in the review were specifically conducted to compare PPI use and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (complications and death).
In the end, the review found a significant increase in morbidity (complications) as a result of cardiovascular disease in patients who routinely used PPIs. The review also found that these patients had a much higher risk of encountering a major cardiovascular event (such as a stroke or heart attack).
In many cases, issues being treated with PPIs can also be effectively addressed through surgical methods. While the idea of undergoing surgery may make some patients feel uneasy, the effectiveness of surgical procedures and the risks associates with PPI use make surgery the most viable option for many individuals.
If you are in need of professional medical care for your GERD, contact the Institute of Esophageal and Reflux Surgery to schedule a consultation with board-certified general surgeon Dr. Reginald Bell.