Purpose: High resolution impedance manometry measures pressures and fluid movement in the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter. These measurements enable diagnosis of esophageal motility disorders and are crucial to the planning of most esophageal surgery.
Description: HRIM procedure is performed in our office. A small flexible catheter (tube) will be placed into your esophagus through your nose (after applying local anesthetic to the nose). You will be asked to swallow small amounts of salt water 10-12 times during the test. The test lasts about 10-15 minutes in most instances.
Risks: During the esophageal manometry procedure, there is a small potential for nose bleed. Some patients have difficulty with a gagging; however, with relaxation and focus, most patients can complete the procedure.
Alternatives: Currently, there are no other alternatives to this test, and in most instances it is mandatory prior to surgery for motility disorders or to treat acid reflux.
Preparation: Your stomach needs to be empty, so nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the study.
After the Test: There will be no sedation, so you may drive yourself to and from the appointment.